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Keep up to date with the most important financial news that is influencing Crypto, Stock, and Currency markets and predicting future prices.

The US Federal Reserve collapsed the dollar by raising rates

On Wednesday, the dollar dropped in value following the Federal Reserve's announcement on interest rates.

As anticipated, the Federal Reserve increased the key rate to …

Yuan soared amid promises from China's leadership

The top leadership of China has promised to support the slowing economy, resulting in a sharp rise of the yuan.

Furthermore, Chinese state-owned banks are …

Citibank told when to buy gold

Citibank has indicated that there will be a great chance to purchase gold in the near future.

In the first half of 2024, the price …

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation will tighten control over gold purchases

The Ministry of Finance and Rosfinmonitoring are proposing to increase the level of control over banking transactions involving precious metals.

By doing this, they will …

Bi Weekly Market Review - Edition #3

​For the period 1st - 15th July​

Dear FOMOdrive community members,

Welcome to ​Edition #3​ of our ​Bi-weekly Market Review​ covering market news from ​1st - …

The US dollar has entered a multi-year downtrend - Standard Bank

On Tuesday, US retail sales data was weak, causing the dollar index to reach its lowest point in 15 months.

Analysts on Wall Street are …

In Russia, a new scheme of fraud with bank applications was revealed

A new fraudulent scheme involving counterfeit bank applications has been uncovered by experts.

Banking applications are being disguised by hackers as programs for remote access …

US banks start the season of corporate reports positively

The second quarter of the year has begun with three major US banks releasing their reports.

The banking crisis of regional banks this spring may …

S&P 500: Wall Street banks see index drop by year-end

It is predicted by the majority of major banks that the S&P 500 will decrease by the end of the year.

It is unlikely that …

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Bloomberg: Russia beat the G7 price ceiling - Urals exceeded $60

The price of Russian Urals oil has gone above the $60 limit set by the G7 nations.

Russia is getting ready to proclaim its triumph …